Top 10 Things to Do While Waiting in The Grocery Line

dealing with waiting in checkout linesDo you dread the grocery store? Is the only time available in your busy schedule to go shopping on a Saturday morning when every other person and their mother has decided to go grocery shopping, too?

Well, here are some clever ways to pass the time.

1. Catch Up on the News

Pick up the Time magazine and get in touch with the world. Don’t focus on the long features. You won’t have time; unless it is that crowded in which case you should simply abandon your cart and call it a day.

2. Answer Email

Do you have an inbox so full that your mail server is threatening to go on strike? Take a few minutes to sift through your email box and delete emails that are junk or spam.

3. Update your Status

Send a tweet or update your Facebook status. Check out what your friends are doing. You never know. You may have a friend two lines over that you can reconnect with for a few minutes on Facebook.

4. Read a Chapter of a Good Book

Have a smartphone? Download the Kindle mobile app and keep a smaller version of your online book with you no matter where you are.

5. Find a Recipe for Dinner

You have a cart full of groceries. Browse through the recipe magazines in the checkout aisle and come up with a clever plan for dinner.

6. Make goofy faces

Experts say happy people are healthy people. If you are stuck behind a family with a cute baby, practice your happy, goofy faces. It will make the time go faster.

7. Paint your Nails

Ridiculous idea, absolutely not!  Pick up a fast-drying color in the cosmetic aisle like Sally Hansen’s Insta-Dri™ Fast Dry Nail Color in a fun summer shade. If you have 90 seconds, you can have a new look after you checkout.

8. Relax Your Mind

Standing in an over-crowded grocery line can make even the calmest person feel ready to burst with anxiety. Take a break and download a mind-game on your smartphone like Dropwords from the Android Market. Focusing on something other than a long line will calm you down.

9. Meditate

Speaking of calming your mind, take some deep breaths and focus on happy thoughts. We are not suggesting you drop to the floor and start chanting. A few breaths in and out can do wonders for your grocery experience.

10. Add a new routine to your workout

The checkout line is a mecca of fitness information. Flip through a fitness magazine and pick a new exercise to try for the week or maybe even shop for a new workout outfit. Why not look good while your working out!

Top 10 Menopausal Symptoms and Other Causes

Most popular menopause symptomsWhen menopausal symptoms emerge in a woman’s life they never seem to do so gracefully. Instead, they erupt in a woman’s body, invading a once peaceful being.

Let’s take a look at ten common menopausal symptoms and examine other causes that may be introducing these pests to your life. You may not be menopausal at all.

1. Dizziness

Have you noticed a loss of balance recently? While a symptom of menopause, this scary event may also be triggered by anxiety, blood pressure fluctuations, viral infections and low blood pressure.  A complete physical will rule out any conditions that could cause you to be feeling unbalanced.

2. Fatigue

Associated with menopause, chronic fatigue can make daily activities difficult to complete. While you could be experiencing menopausal fatigue, another cause could be an iron deficiency. If you are a younger woman, not ready to being menopause, check with your doctor to have your iron levels tested. Women who still have a menstrual cycle often need an iron supplement.

3. Hair Loss

Hormonal changes in menopausal women can cause hair loss. This can be a devastating side-effect for women who typically have a real sense of attachment to their hair. Other causes of hair loss unrelated to menopause include diseases like diabetes and lupus as well as medications such as blood thinners.

4.  Mood Swings

Mood swings are thought to be the epitome of a menopausal woman. But sometimes more serious psychiatric disorders could be causing this upsetting behavior. Talk to you doctor to determine if your mood swings are a natural side-effect of your changing body or an issue that requires in-depth treatment and medication.

5. Loss of Libido

Menopausal women complain frequently about their decreased sex drive. But certain medications to treat depression, cancer, heart disease and diabetes can also attribute to a loss of sexual interest. Supplements and over-the-counter creams and gels can help a woman get back loss intimacy. If this is not working for you, consult your doctor for additional treatment options.

6. Anger

Anger typically goes along with mood swings. Sometimes though, the anger stays and becomes uncontrollable causing a person to begin making life-altering choice. Menopausal women do not turn into dictators or feel like killing every person who cuts them off in traffic. If your anger symptoms are not subsiding and seem to be increasing, it is imperative that you seek medical attention immediately to prevent harming yourself or someone you love.

7. Water Retention

Let’s focus on something less intense. Water retention is a concern for menopausal women because this is the time when they start to notice an increase in weight, especially in the abdomen area. In menopausal women, this weight gain is contributed to a lowered metabolism. If you have not entered menopause or are beyond menopause, water retention could be a sign of heart disease, kidney malfunction, adrenal problems or circulatory system issues.

If these conditions are ruled out, reducing your salt intake is one way to combat water retention. Another path to getting rid of excess water is to consume more water to naturally flush out your system. Sometime fluid gets stuck in the kidneys and needs some extra water to properly flush your pipes. In addition to drinking more water, adding fruits and vegetables with high water content, like cucumbers, watermelons and cantaloupe, can benefit your kidneys and your waistline dramatically.

8. Indigestion/Bloating

Sometimes bloating goes along with the water retention, but if you are experiencing chronic indigestion you could be the victim of gastrointestinal anguish such as colitis, irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease. These gastrointestinal conditions can be treated through diet, medication, stress-relief practices (meditation, Yoga) and exercise.

If you are over the age of 50 and experiencing these symptoms, it would be best to visit your doctor and have a colonoscopy to rule out pre-cancerous conditions.

9. Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are caused by an increase in estrogen. Typically, menopausal women find that they have less yeast infections. But if you are on hormone replacement therapy, you may discover the increase of estrogen from the therapy can cause the discomforts of vaginal infections. Over-the-counter medication and creams can help ease these symptoms.

Urinary tract infections can mimic yeast infections. It is a good idea to be tested by your doctor, if you have been using OTC relief for several days without positive results.

10. Anxiety

Lastly, anxiety is another menopausal symptom that rears its’ nasty head at other times in a woman’s life. Anxiety is a mood-altering condition that can leave you unable to go to work, make decisions, and even get out of bed. Sometimes anxiety is misdiagnosed as depression.

Whether or not you feel this is a side-effect of your menopause, it is best to discuss how anxiety is affecting your daily life with your doctor. Natural supplements and prescription medication is available to treat anxiety. Talk therapy can also be helpful, giving you tools to manage the stress in your day-to-day activities that are causing you stress.

The Wrap Up

Menopause is not a change in life that quietly approaches. It brings a variety of symptoms. Ignoring and accepting these symptoms is not always the best choice since they can be signs of more dangerous conditions. If you are experiencing the above symptoms and cannot find relief, consult your doctor immediately to rule out other serious conditions.

Top 10 Summer Reads

best summer reading books for 2012Escape the summer heat, relaxing with a good book by the pool or in the air-conditioning. Here at The General Gazette, we want to share with you some of our chosen books for the beach bag!

1.The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
by Garth Stein

This endearing book about a man and his dog is priceless. Told by Enzo, Denny’s dog, the reader is taken on a journey about what life is like from the viewpoint of a dog. You will laugh hard, cry hard and recommend this book to all of your friends.

2.The Neighbors Are Watching: A Novel
by Debra Ginsberg

This book is set against the backdrop of raging wildfires in California. It focuses on several families on the block who have secrets behind closed doors as well as obvious hatred, distrust and prejudice in the wide-open. When a young girl and her baby go missing during a wildfire evacuation, everyone is a suspect. This book will make you rethink your neighborhood.

3.Sister: A Novel
by Rosamund Lupton

Set in England, a young woman defies the advice of her family and the evidence the police have that have ruled her sister’s death a suicide. Poetic and brilliant, this novel takes you on a journey to find a killer with a shocking twist. Fast, exciting summer read!

4. The Night Circus
by Erin Morgenstern

Enchanting is the only word able to properly describe this book of a magical circus and a brilliant romance between two unassuming people. A page-turner that will make you believe in the unbelievable.

5. A Fine Balance (Oprah’s Book Club)

Rohinton Mistry

Not a magical book, but a book worthy of Charles Dickens as Mistry takes the reader on a journey with four people in 1970’s India. This is an epic tale that begs the reader to come out of their pretty, well-made world and enter a society of thieves, beggars, vandals and scoundrels. Never was there a more powerful book that accurately describes the chaos of India. Reader beware: this is not a happy book, but one everyone should read.

6. The Snowman (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard)
by Jo Nesbo

Harry Hole, Nesbo’s troubled protagonist, is back in the Nordic thriller that will chill your bones during a hot summer day. Determined to find a serial killer of women, Hole finds himself entrenched in a sadistic world that hits too close to home.

7. Divergent
by Veronica Roth

Deemed the new Hunger Games, this is Book 1 of a trilogy set in post-Apocalyptic Chicago. Five factions of people remain and each of these factions believes in one of these five virtues, Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent).  On her sixteenth birthday, Tris, the protagonist, must decide which of these factions she can devote her life to. But can one person really be one way? Could the consequences be deadly?

Honestly, not as good as The Hunger Games, but you won’t be too disappointed. A worthy summer read.

8. Insurgent (Divergent)
by Veronica Roth

This is book 2 of the Divergent Trilogy. This book is on my summer reading list. I have to recommend it because it goes hand-in-hand with Divergent. Have you read it yet? If so, leave a comment letting us know you review.

9. Broken Harbor: A Novel
by Tana French

Pre-order this book by best-selling author Tana French. It is set to be released on July 24, 2012. This is the fourth book in the Dublin Murder Squad Series. Why should you be excited about this? Here is what the publisher has to say about it, “With her signature blend of police procedural and psychological thriller, French’s new novel goes full throttle with a heinous crime, creating her most complicated detective character and her best book yet.”

10. Lone Wolf: A Novel
by Jodi Picoult

You can’t go wrong with a Jodi Picoult book. The way that she blends the viewpoints of each character is seamless. This story is about a man, Luke Warren, who is more comfortable with wolves that with his own family. When a tragic accident leaves his life in jeopardy, the family must come to terms with their feelings towards their father, ex-husband, and friend and decide the true nature of family in the midst of life changing decisions.

What are you reading this summer? Let us know!

Top 10 Songs to Burn Calories

best songs to workout toIt is a mantra that the menopausal woman repeats over and over, “I WILL lose this weight.” In all honestly, it is a mantra that women of all ages repeat. While no one expects you to look like an anorexic super-model, an ideal body weight is essential to living a healthy lifestyle.

It is important to keep moving. Loading up your playlist with some hot summer tunes and wearing some cool fitting workout clothing is one way to motivate you to move your feet a little faster, shed those extra pounds and tone up. Recently, Shape Magazine listed online 40 songs to get to you moving. We took 8 of our favorite songs to share with you! The extra 2 songs are personal choices.

1.Wild Ones: Flo Rida and Sia

129 BPM

A great club song that is perfect for interval training. Slow it down with Sia, but rev it up a bit with Flo Rida’s part. 

2.Selena Gomez: Love You like A Love Song

130 BPM

No, this is not some teeny-bopper love song by a here-today-gone-tomorrow boy band. This catchy tune will have you singing along and forgetting that you are working out.

3.Mumford and Sons: Little Lion Man

136 BPM

Those of you familiar with this Irish band may be questioning the idea of a folksy song as workout music. Give it a try. The music is swift and will keep you heart rate up.

4.Michael Jackson : Beat It

140 BPM

A legendary song from a legend, this song will encourage you to beat your goals every time.

5.Work Hard/Play Hard: Wiz Khalifa (Zazu Remix)

140 BPM

The title of this song is self-explanatory. Enough said.

6.Ellie Goulding – Animal (TYR Remix)

140 BPM

The General Gazette pick, this remix has an electro, club vibe to make you want to dance.

7.Neon Trees: Everybody Talks

155 BPM

A high-paced song to that will have you sweating and loving it!

8.Lady Gaga: Edge of Glory

140 BPM

When you work out to this song, you will feel triumphant and proud of your accomplishments guaranteed.

9.3OH!3 $ Ke$ha – My First Kiss

132 BPM

A favorite on plays lists. This is a fun, cheeky song that will put a smile on your face.

10.Justin Beiber – Boyfriend

99 BPM

As ludicrous as this song may sound, the slow, steady beat is a great way to warm up or cool down. This is a General Gazette pick.

What is songs are on your workout playlist?