Fifty Shades of Grey Replaces the Bible at UK Hotel

Fifty Shades of GreyIn a bold, rather shocking statement, the popular erotic novel that has women talking, reading and reinventing their bedroom scenarios is replacing the Bible at the Damson Dene Hotel. The hotel, located in the Lake District near Lake Windermere and the popular town of Bowness-on-Windermere in the UK, has gotten on board with the popularity of the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon.

Hotel manager, Wayne Bartholomew, decided to replace the Bible with the racy novel by UK novelist, E.L. James. This move was encouraged by Facebook chatter amongst thousands of fans of both the hotel and the novel. In an interview with The Daily Mail, Bartholomew can be quoted as such,

‘Fifty Shades of Grey is all that people are talking about at the moment, but I know that some are too shy to buy it for themselves. I thought it would be a special treat for our guests to find it in their bedside cabinet and that includes the men too. They are as desperate to get their hands on a copy as the women.’

While this move may seem to part ways with the traditional hotel bedside amenities such as a notepad, pen, room service menu and the Bible, one only needs to open up the Bible to find as many or more sexual references as Fifty Shades of Grey. The only difference is that this book is more readable than the Bible and appealing to all religions.

Not a bad move by Bartholomew. Of course, he will have his critics, but walking on the wrong side of the street can draw criticism. What a unique idea!

I have to admit, I haven’t read Fifty Shades of Grey and I probably won’t. I am a self-professed book snob. I am picky about my literature. But that doesn’t mean that a book like Fifty Shades of Grey doesn’t have mass appeal and can even be a menopausal woman’s Viagra.

At the risk of this post getting a little too risqué, let’s talk a moment about the lack of desire that accompanies menopause. Often times because of the array of symptoms that menopause brings: hot flashes, weight gain, irritability, women tend to feel less sexy and less in the mood. Supplements, dietary changes and exercise can help a woman get her libido back, but so can an erotic thriller. Internationally, women are praising the books in this trilogy for helping rev up their sex lives and it doesn’t sound like the men in their lives are opposed.

What do you think? Have you joined in on the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon? What are your reviews?

About Denise McGrail

I am thrilled and blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of The General Gazette. Like so many women, I put off my dreams of being a professional, published writer for longer than intended in order to meet the more practical needs of my family. However, after much soul-searching, I realized I was doing a disservice to them and me by not following my dreams and my passions.

Why am I excited to be part of The General Gazette? Well, I am a woman who seems to flit and flutter from one thought to the next and I have a million ideas I am always eager to share. The General Gazette is a website intended for women of all ages, all incomes and all lifestyles. We don't limit our audience and, therefore, I will not limit the information I share with you.

Each day I will keep you guessing with fresh, thought-provoking articles! Happy reading!