Saying Goodbye: How to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

dealing with loss of a petNo one ever wants to say goodbye to a beloved pet.  Dogs, cats and all of our other furry and feathery friends play huge roles in our lives.  A pet is a member of your family, your best friend and your shoulder to cry on.   Owning a pet means that you have opened your heart and your home to another creature.  They will love you unconditionally and be there for your in every situation.  There’s nothing quite like coming home to a wagging tail or soft purr, so when these companions are taken from us it is absolutely heartbreaking.

There is no easy way to deal with the loss of a pet.  The grief can be overwhelming, often leaving pet owners with a feeling of emptiness.  Some people will only take days to move on from this loss, where some people never fully move past their grief.  The important thing to remember during this period is that grieving is normal and healthy.  Feeling sad, helpless or lonely are common reactions to losing someone you care about so much, and the best course of action is to express this sadness to a trusted friend or family member.  Recount the happiest moments of your pet’s life and the time you shared together.  Your pet would want you to remember the good days!

There may be some people in your life that do not fully understand why you are so upset at this time.  This is simply because certain people haven’t had the luxury of such a deep bond with an animal companion.  Pets are there for you day in and day out, and those who have not experienced the relationship owners have with their animals could not possibly comprehend the loss.  In these cases, choose different people to talk to.  Trying to explain the depth of your loss to a person who doesn’t want to understand will only hurt and anger you.  Look to friends and family who have and love pets the way you do and you will find a common ground on which you can securely express your grief.

There are ways to aid the grieving process, as well.  It is said that funerals are for the living and it’s quite true.  Holding a pet ceremony to say farewell to your friend can be cathartic.  While it may seem silly to some to have a memorial for a pet, it can help you and your family say goodbye to someone you love.  Physical memorials can also be a nice way to remember your pet.  You could create a photo collage, build an online gallery or have a painting made.  Picking out a beautiful urn for your pet’s ashes can keep him or her with you in your home for decades to come.  If you have a yard, you could even plant a tree that will flower for years in your pet’s memory.  However you choose to remember your lost loved one, it will be right for you.