Covert Ways To Tell If Your Man’s Cheating

unfaithful menIs your man cheating on you? Some are quite sneaky about it. They hide it well and some are quite ignorant about it. The ignorant cheaters leave signs all over.

The Cell Phone

Does he lock his cell phone? If he is locking the phone, without a doubt he has something to hide. The ignorant ones will lock it. Even leaving the cell phone unlocked does not mean he is not cheating. The smarter ones will learn how to erase text messages and calls if they want to leave the phone unlocked to play innocent.

The Bank Account

Does he grab the bank statement when it comes? Does he insist on handling all the bills himself? Both are actions, which require some serious thoughts on your part. If you are in a committed relationship, you should have an idea where the money is going. This is especially true if you are helping to make money, which goes towards the household. If you think, he is hiding something he most likely is. Do you really want to work overtime so he can purchase some other chick some sexy lingerie?

His Mood

Is he suddenly happier? Is he eager to get out the door to go do something by himself? If your intuition tells you that something is up, listen to it. If you have lived with him for a while then you know how his mood changes after he is laid, and he is in that mood although the two of you have not slept together in a while, he is cheating.

His smell

Is he buying new clothes or trying new cologne? Those are sure signs but also be on the lookout for other things. Does he suddenly smell like coconut shampoo? If you do not have that type in the house you share with him, he is showering elsewhere. Honey he is cheating.

Even if he does not smell freshly showered, there may be the smell of another female on him.  It might even be some other telltale sign such as a candle within her home or worse yet the smell of lube for sex toys.

Some men cheat. That is an unpleasant fact. Listen to your intuition and examine him a bit closer if you feel he is cheating. Chances are your institution is correct. Most likely you have done nothing wrong to cause him to cheat, some cheater just enjoy the thrill of the chase.
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