I have been going through menophase since my early 40′s

Handling menopause symptomssubmitted by:

Wanda Killen

I’ve been on several different hormone replacement drugs other the years. Nothing worked, My hot flashes were so violent that they took all my energy. Even my gynecologist looked at me my last visit and said, Wanda, I can’t help you, I don’t know what to do about hot flashes. I thought I’ll spend the rest of my days and nights with hot flashes.

Shortly after this I saw and ad on line about Amberen. I read all I could on Amberen. I felt I had nothing to lose even if it didn’t work. I started taking Amberen in May. Within a week I was feeling better. The first morning I woke up not wet from head to toe I was amazed! I’m down to taking only two pills a day. Amberen is my wonder pills. Menophase does horrible things to a women’s body.

I would tell any women struggling with menophase to try Amberen you may wake up one morning with a big surprise! Waking up after 40 years with no hot flashes gave me a new lease on life.