Adult Vaccines: Are You Up to Date?

vacinnes for adultsVaccines have become controversial over the years, but the fact is that they have worked to eradicate diseases like smallpox and polio. There are some vaccines that adults need too, but most are not aware of this. If you are fine with vaccines and want to get up-to-date, then you should grab a pen, read this and make a list of vaccines to talk to your doctor about.

Flu Vaccine

A lot of people do not get this, and it is not one of those vaccines that is absolutely necessary, however, it can protect against the flu. The flu can be life-threatening for some people and anyone can get this. If you are pregnant, this vaccine is generally safe during your second and third trimesters as long as you get the actual shot. The only things that can make you ineligible are currently being sick (you could get it after you recover) and being allergic to the vaccine. Egg allergies and a past history of Guillain-Barre should be discussed with your doctor before getting this vaccine. It is ideal to get this vaccine as early in the fall as possible to afford yourself protection during the entire flu season.


Not all adults need this vaccine, but you can get it at anytime. If you have a chronic illness, weak immune system, are over 65, smoke cigarettes or have your spleen removed, it is a good idea to have this vaccine. Like the flu vaccine, if you are allergic to this vaccine or are currently sick, talk to your doctor before getting it.


This is a vaccine that you get in childhood that helps to protect against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. These are all very serious bacterial infections that can lead to death. Take your shot records to your doctor and ask if you are ready for a booster. The booster should be done about every 10 years. If you have a history of Guillain-Barre syndrome or have epilepsy, do not get this without consulting your doctor first.


You have surely heard of this infection and know that it is life-threatening. If you live in close quarters, are heading into the military, have no spleen or are traveling to certain countries, this is a vaccine to consider. Your doctor can talk to you about when it is best to get this, or if you even need it.


This is commonly a childhood illness, but adults can get it too and it is far more serious for adults. This is not a vaccine that everyone needs, but if you have never had chickenpox and work somewhere where you are frequently exposed, like a hospital or school, you may want to talk to your doctor about this vaccine. If you are trying to get pregnant, it is also a time to consider this vaccine.


Not all adults who were vaccinated as children will need this vaccine. Rubella is the big one you want to avoid by using this vaccine. You can get a titer pulled (simple blood test) and if you have immunity to rubella then there is no need to get this vaccine. This vaccine also protects against mumps and measles.