Indian legends are about mindfulness, living in the moment. A Papago legend tells the creation of butterflies as silent beings. Being silent brought out their beautiful wing color. The fluttering uniquely inspired the song in the birds. Similarly, food inspires life. Pause. Think. Are you mindful in your food choices, your nutrition, therefore, your whole life?
Eat power foods like barley to totally experience life. Yes, barley. Allow me to introduce a barley component beta glucan. Alongside you will be exposed to the Nordic diet. My hope is to inspire mindful food choice and hence optimal nutrition. Discover beta glucan in barley to slow metabolic syndrome from entering your health state.
Talk about ancient whole grains, barley may top the list of cultivated grains. Archaeologists have found these grains in and around the Egyptian pyramids.
A 100 calorie serving half of a cup of cooked pearled barley provides:
- 2 grams of protein
- 3 grams of fiber
- Beta glucan soluble fiber
- 7 micrograms of selenium
What is Beta Glucan?
Glucans are glucose polymers found in the cell walls of barley. The beta describes the linkage. Beta glucan, as a soluble fiber, can perform as a hero for watching your waist, balancing insulin, and clearing blood fats. These acts link to improved blood pressure.
What is Selenium?
Selenium remains in my mind as a mighty mini-mineral. Selenium, as a trace mineral, can hook up with proteins and become selenoproteins. These take action as antioxidant enzymes preventing cellular damage from free radicals. Other selenoproteins help regulate your thyroid and adjust the immune system.
Nordic Diet
Nordic culture can be found in the countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. A Nordic diet is defined as inclusion of these specific foods:
- berries
- cabbage
- fish and other seafood
- wild and pasture-fed animals
- rapeseed oil
- barley, oat, and rye
These foods are native foods the Nordic region. Theoretically, a Nordic diet enhances health with an inverse relationship with abdominal obesity or a big belly. A big belly along with two more of the following health factors could trigger a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome:
- abdomen measure > 35 inches for women
- elevated blood pressure
- hyperglycemia
- high blood fats
- low levels of high-density blood lipoproteins
Along with natural food synergy, the ingestion of barley has shown health benefits in curbing metabolic syndrome and the cousin of obesity.
Be in your moment like a butterfly. Find pearled barley in the bagged bean aisle. Cook this low-cost power food. Surprise yourself and have family or friends singing as they experience a well being after eating a barley-based salad. You know, cooled barley topped with your choice of greens, nuts, and a splash of sunflower oil. Be well. Dr. Elliott, RD