Make Your Own Teddy Bear

Make Your Own Teddy BearI wanted to pass this site along to others who are trying to make your own teddy bear of yourself. is is a fantastic website that I came across the other night that can make a stuffed teddy bear of yourself. These little things are just amazing! They have a huge gallery of teddy bear pictures of others who have bought their own teddy bear. I have to tell you, I spent a good 15 minutes trying to find a site that does this type of personal service when it comes to teddy bears and they have it down!

My Own Teddy Bear Of Myself

Although I wish they were slightly bigger, they are just what I was trying to find for a few friends of mine for gifts this Christmas season. They can even make your own teddy bear of your pet. I’m not kidding! Go to their gallery and they have a few teddy bears made of your dog if you want. If you have a pet lover on your gift list I guarantee if you get them a stuffed animal of their dog or cat they will just go nuts on such a unique gift. I can just see someone who owns a poodle, talk about teddy bear poodles. These would send a pet owner over the top! If your looking for a pattern for a teddy bear that looks like you or someone on your gift list, this is the place to go to get your very own.

Your Own Teddy Bear Featured

You may become a star on their “featured” page. I think this is quite possible if your stuffed doll made of yourself has distinct features that can be relayed to the teddy bear’s face. I have determined that the more unique your face or your friends face is the more interesting your teddy bear’s face will be. The site offers a lot of feedback from others who have bought from them and they are all positive reviews (of course). Go check them out. If you have someone that is always hard to buy for when it come to gift giving, I think it is a wonderful gift idea to make your own teddy bear of yourself to give to someone or better yet, make one of someone else..

Bed Bug Beacon Reviews – Boy Was We Surprise

Bed bug picturesAfter having great success with the Bed Bug Patch me and the wife decided on getting to the heart of the matter and finding out just where the bedbugs are hiding out and just how many we have. Our neighbor down the street who is, by the way a licensed exterminator told us about the bedbug beacon because he has had great success with the product.

He told us that apartment managers will call him wanting to know if an apartment that the tenants just moved out of has bed bugs. His secret tool is the bedbug beacon. It’s name is perfect. This little contraption beacons the bed bugs right out of the walls!

Our Review Of The Bedbug Beacon Amazed Us

We set the simple contraption up and came back into our bedroom several hours later to review and couldnt believe what we found when we lifted the lid. Five bed bugs underneath. So the bed bug beacon confirmed what we needed to know. We had the little critters.

We have to be clear here. The beacon does not kill the bed bugs or chase them out of your home. It’s simply a wonderful easy tool to determine if you have them. It’s definitely the tool to have if you want peace of mind knowing if your bedroom, and more importantly your children’s room has bedbugs.

The Bed Bug Beacon Gives You Answers

If you use the beacon after about 5 days and show no signs of the are pretty safe to say you dont have them…What a relief! But if you do see them, isn’t it good to know you have an issue with them and that you can take action now in getting rid of them. The bed bug beacon is a great product!

Visit their official site.

How To Kill Bed Bugs – A New Method

Have you been listening to the radio over the past several months lately? If you have you surely heard all the new commercials coming out of local bug exterminators offering a “steam” procedure to kill bed bugs in your home, particularly in your bed. From what I gather from these commercials they remove all the living items out of the effected area including fish tanks, plants, small animals..ete. Then they steam the entire room to a temperature of around 130 degrees. These companies are saying this is the best method possible on how to kill bed bugs.

Killing Bed Bugs – A Different Method

By going with this method you really are not killing bed bugs BUT preventing them from ever getting on you in the first place. The bed bug patch is fairly new to consumers. The way it works is that you apply a patch to your skin when you go to bed at night and it works by reducing and offsetting the levels of CO2 emitted out through your skin. It puts to use vitamin B1 to mask the bedbug attracting scent which resonates outward through your skin. Many bed bug patch reviews are showing very good results with it’s users.

Other Methods On How To Kill Bed Bugs

One of the simplest ways (well maybe) is to vacuum the bed bugs up. You need to keep up on this weekly for it to have any effect at all. Be sure you make use of all you crevice tools to get all areas of your mattress and all surfaces of your actual bed frame. Just be sure to remove the bag and empty out far from your house. Or better yet purchase some flea powder that has the ingredient “Pyrethrum” in it. Pour some out and vacuum the powder up to kill the bed bugs inside the bag.

Killing Bed Bugs – Long Term

Purchase a mattress cover or for better terms an “encasement” cover. Much different than an actual mattress pad because these will cover the entire mattress and box springs. Killing bedbugs this way will however take longer cause those little critters can live a long time without your blood. What you are really doing to kill the bed bugs with this procedure is your smothering them by not letting them out to bite on you. I know, it’s not a pretty thought.

Best Way To Kill Bed Bugs

Probably the best way to kill bed bugs is to hire a professional. Which really brings us back to the steam method as mentioned in the beginning. But these professionals do have other ways of ridding bed bugs before they get you with chemicals. As you can see, all the methods we have given here on how to kill bedbugs, none of them is very fun to do.

Bed Bugs: 7 Things You May Have Not Known

1) Bed bugs have been on earth for centuries.

2) Just after World War 2 bed bugs were almost wiped out from most nations around the world with the use of a chemical known as DDT but was soon banned because it was so hard on our environment.

3) Bed bugs are very small and are very hard to see. They are only about half the size of an apple or lemon seed. They can be spotted by the naked eye with close observation and a flashlight.

4) Bed bugs have a oval, flat shape to them and are reddish brown in color.

5) It is widely believed that they are more of a problem today due to them spreading across the world because of, all other things, international travel.

6) You wont find them during the day. They hide out in the box spring portion of your bed and crevices of you bed frame.

Last but not least:

7) Bed bugs are hard to kill and can be costly to do just that. In most all instance professional help is needed.

Bed Bugs

Since the bedbug problem has been growing more here in the states many companies are trying to combat the issue with different types of products. One company that is fairly new has come out with the bed bug patch and it seems from reviews that the product is successful in fighting bed bugs.