From Locks to Pixie, do you like Miley Cyrus’s new Haircut?

Miley Cyrus’s has ne hairstyleYou’ve seen the Disney girl sporting enviable locks ever since she braced the camera and tasted success. While, Miley Cyrus has been on and off tabloids for her love escapades, engagement to beau Liam Hemsworth or raunchy dressing sense, she has always been unfazed by criticism and hate messages.

However her recent pixie haircut, which received mixed reactions from fans, plucked a nerve and Miley took to Twitter to defend her choice of style. Ever since Miley posted her first self-portrait with her new hairdo, her twitter account has been constantly abuzz with pictures and tweets like ‘Self Love is the Greatest of all Flatterers’ (is it just me or does she sound a bit insecure?) by every passing minute.

Honestly, the disheveled and bleached pixie cut is such a refreshing change. It sort of transitions Miley’s image from the cute Disney start and gives her a more edgy look. The 19 year old is all set to make a guest appearance in an upcoming episode of Two and a Half Men, playing the sexy new girl in town and the love interest of Jake Harper and this particular haircut would suit the role just fine.

Amidst all the hate messages, celebrity talk show host Ellen DeGeneres showed support for Miley through more than words. Ellen used Photoshop to edit a picture of herself with an exact replica of Miley’s hair do. While Ellen has always been one of those people who sported a crew or a pixie cut all her life, the now-famous Miley Cyrus haircut actually looked better on her.
Ellen DeGeneres does Miley Cyrus
Not just Ellen, but a lot of other celebrities gave Miley the thumbs up for taking a bold step. Fiancé Liam Hemsworth apparently loves her hairstyle too as pointed out by one of Miley’s response tweets to a fan.

Her dramatic haircut might have been the talk of the town, but at least Miley Cyrus is posting pictures with some clothes on now. It’s good to see someone so confident of their sexuality and at ease with their selves, but her opinion on how parents should let their children experience and cherish their sex lives in order to bring out a more confident side to them, will only trigger the teen pregnancy rate in the country.

Dramatics apart, Miley Cyrus’s new haircut is gorgeous and while it would take a lot of courage and the right attitude to carry it off, it is god to see stars opening up to their quirkier sides.

About Mawra

My name is Mawra, a 23 year old who’s crazy about everything that spells either fashion or makeup! A journalist by profession and a Fashionista by passion, I have written over 2000 articles for popular magazines, celebrity hairstylists, makeup artists and fashion designers, I’m excited about being a part of The Gazette with news on Fashion hits and misses, celebrity scoop and offering tons of beauty tips I have up my sleeves.


  1. Michelle P says:

    Honestly? I think Miley looks ridiculous. But I get it – she’s trying to show that she’s no longer Hannah Montana. She’s edgy. Sure you are, Miley. Edgy like vanilla pudding :)

  2. Yes< I enjoy her new 'do! It's a refreshing new style I would love for myself!

  3. I don’t like her haircut. But she is young and if she wants to look different , its her choice

  4. i personally don’t like her new haircut but she is young if she likes it so m happy with her new haircut. if she feels her haircut give her a beautiful look . so she is her choice . i give her suggestion to change her hair style.

  5. DARLA KIDDER says:

    Actually it looks good on her , i would love to have my hair cut short like that.

  6. Stephanie says:

    i do not like it.

  7. Katharine D says:

    I get wanting a change but I do not like that haircut

  8. colleen boudreau says:

    I don’t like it at all.

  9. patricia edwards says:

    Doesn’t matter to me!

  10. Kim Henrichs says:

    I think it’s super cute! I love short cuts like that.

  11. I don’t mind the cut. Looks like a Gwen Stephanie kind of look. It’s cute. And I am REALLY not a fan. lol

  12. i love it!!!

  13. Debra L. Guillen says:

    I like Miley Cyrus’s new hair cut on her but not on Ellen

  14. TRACY SIMMS says:

    not to crazy about the cut but to each her own :)

  15. she is like a wannah be edgy rocker chick. dont like it at all.

  16. carla bonesteel says:

    I think it’s cute, but a little immature for her age…she should do what she wants, though!!!

  17. cindy hoover says:

    I really think it looks good on her! :) I feel she or anyone should look the way they want to! Not how everyone wants them to look!! Just saying.

  18. Don’t like it.

  19. I like it. All girls try something different. I am not sure I like the color for her and I wouldn’t have known it was her if you hadn’t told me. She is in the experimenting stage.

  20. sheila musselman askins says:

    i think the haircut is adorable on her..its a totally different look..which i think she wanted to get away from being known as hannah montana lol

  21. Bridget Lavin Patterson says:

    I dont like it personally, but she is the type og girl that can look good in any haircut.

  22. I don’t like it – I think she is trying to find herself though, after not being able to live a normal ‘teen’ life. We all go thru it.. I just hope she doesn’t hit drugs and alcohol too hard

  23. Marcia Goss says:

    I don’t like it. I liked her long hair better.

  24. I do not like it at all. It is way too extreme! She could pull of short hair but not that edgy.

  25. I think it looks good on her. Very stylish and polished-looking (compared to before…).