5 Tips to get a Makeover on a Budget

frugal makeoversI love makeovers! When I was on a weight loss mission, my final goal reward was a complete makeover and boy was all those sweating out and saying no to junk food, worth it?! The only downside was the price but since I was saving up for close to 2 years for my reward, I didn’t pile up expenses.

Price really is the main consideration for a lot of people considering a makeover. Here are 5 tips to help you get one without burning a hole in your pocket.

Clean up your wardrobe-

We have tons of clothes lying deeper within our wardrobes, cleaning your wardrobe would not only make space for your future purchases, but also prevent you from buying something that you already have. While on your cleaning spree if you find something that you can re-design or wear it differently, save it after all makeovers are not just about new clothes.

Look for existing clothes in your wardrobe and be resourceful, have an old checked shirt? Wear it over a tank top and ripped jeans for an edgier look. Try to change your style rather than getting a change of clothes.

Be frugal-

Go for window shopping and trot on the internet looking for things you want. While you set your heart on some denim cut offs or a pair of pumps, look for alternatives where you can buy the same product and at a cheaper rate. Also, when you are out shopping, ask the salesperson if you can get a discount, I once got a discount of $75 just by asking!

Stock up on basic essentials that never go out of vogue-

There are 5 items in your closet that you can wear at any time of the year and irrespective of the current fashion trend- A well-fitting denim that fits you like a second skin, a white shirt that looks hot on everybody, a little black dress with minimal detailing and which of course flatters all your right points and a basic stole that complements casual, semi-formal and formal look perfectly (just knot it the right way).

Not just about clothes-

A makeover is not symbolic with changing your clothing style, get a hair do or change your regular makeup. A new hairdo is the best way to look different, you can’t change your facial features but you can change your appearance dramatically by experimenting with your tresses. Also, if you are mostly seen with a neutral makeup, jazz things around a bit, experiment with a bold red pair of lips or smoky eyes.

Change your attitude-

No honestly you have no idea the tremendous change you bring in your outer appearance just by feeling happy in your skin. If you lack self-acceptance and self-confidence, you’d feel uncomfortable in some of the biggest labels. Look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate the person you see there, no matter what your weight, height, hair color or skin color is, not really trying to get cheesy but trust me, a change of attitude can change the way people look at you.

About Mawra

My name is Mawra, a 23 year old who’s crazy about everything that spells either fashion or makeup! A journalist by profession and a Fashionista by passion, I have written over 2000 articles for popular magazines, celebrity hairstylists, makeup artists and fashion designers, I’m excited about being a part of The Gazette with news on Fashion hits and misses, celebrity scoop and offering tons of beauty tips I have up my sleeves.