Sweet & Special Gifts For A Sensational Sister!

“A sister is a gift to the heart and a friend to the spirit.”

Tips on gift giving for your sisterNo relationship in this world compares to the comfort and comradeship shared between sisters. I have one, and I can say with confidence she is my true soul-mate! So when you are going shopping for your darling sister’s birthday, use your imagination and get her something as unique and wonderful as she is.

‘Team Sis’:

‘Sisters share the scent and feel of a common childhood’. From skirts to secrets to grandma’s shortcake, sisters have shared everything throughout their lives. It’s a sentimental and stunning idea to bring a bit of that magic to her special day with something sweet that you can both share, like a book of your mom’s best recipes, or even dressing alike (like you did as kids) in identical tees with a fun quote in front and a goofy pic of u both in the back!

‘Glam Girl’:

If your sis loves to accessorize, then that’s the way to go.  Be it an elegant string of pearls, enchanting emerald earrings, a delicate little bracelet or a dandy studded belt, gift her piece that truly enhances her shining personality leaving her feeling bling and beautiful!

‘Personalize to make it perfect’:

Shopping for women is a pretty easy task, especially when you are one yourself! My motto is ‘if you wanna make it true, you’ve got to add a bit of you!’ Personalized gifts like a picture pendant, an engraved watch or even a name printed handbag will always be a huge hit. Similarly, a handmade gift like a patchwork quilt or an amateur photo frame is a lovely way to show how much you care.

‘The best buddy factor’:

No one in the world knows your sis like you do. From her private passions to her driving dreams, you are part of it all. Involving her favorite hobby, a secret fetish or even a random thought she once had in her gift will show your thoughtfulness and genuine love for your dearest pal.

‘Memory lane’:

So let’s say you don’t feel like buying stuff, here’s what you can do- create a wonderful memory for her by reliving some of the crazy times and experiences you relished in your childhood days!

Gift giving thoughts for your sis

‘It always works’: At the end of the day, I recommend the perfect backup plan- find the best sale in town and splurge!!

About Gayathri K.

With a zany personality and a zestful spirit, nothing makes me happier than
putting a grin on someone's face. My motto in life is "Make everyday a
holiday, and celebrate just living!!"- and what is festivity without a
fabulous gift. Needless to say, I'm extremely passionate and have quite a
penchant for picking the perfect present! Blessed with a truckload of
friends and family, almost every day is a special occasion. Finding the
best gift to turn their day around, only requires a bit of information and
a lot of imagination! From planning an elegant soiree to an eleborate
surprise, let me help you with unique and funky ideas that make an awesome
impression! And if you have a few tricks up your sleeve, share them with me


  1. Hannah Weaver says:

    I went totally non-girly and bought my sis a remote control, she was a car-mad tomboy as a kid! needless to say, SHE LOVED IT! i liked you point about knowing your sister very well!

  2. Jenna Adams says:

    When we were kids, my sister and I fought a whole lot. so me’ mum handcuffed us together for a whole day!

  3. my sister gifted me a trip to venice ..