4 Books Sexier Than 50 Shades of Grey

Are you over 50 Shades of Grey? While this “mommy porn” book may have capitalized on the intrigue and excitement to garner record sells, the writing and story line have left some readers a little, shall we say, unfulfilled.  If you are looking for an erotic reading experience that offers more than poorly written sex-ploits, check out these books to add to your bedside reading.

The Thornbirds by Colleen McCullough

Nothing is sexier or more forbidden than the illicit affair between a priest and a woman forbidden to express her desire for him. Although this book is was written decades ago, the story is timeless and raw with forbidden, erotic love, tragedy and betrayal.

Trouble by Kate Christensen

This is a coming-of-age novel about 3 middle-age women discovering their sexual identities. Latin lovers, exotic locales and a never-ending supply of alcohol equals exciting trouble for these three women.

How Should a Person Be by Sheila Heti

To describe this book, one needs to only read this line. “I don’t know why all of you are reading books when you could be getting reamed by Israel, spat on, beaten up against the headboard—with every jab, your head battered into the headboard. Why are you all reading? I don’t understand this reading business when there is so much f***ing to be done.”

Enough said?

The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler

Sometimes sexiness and eroticism do not have to be cloaked in fiction. To be human is to be sexy and to sexy means we open up about the act of sex. What began as a one-woman show that traveled the country, beckoning to female audiences to open up about their sexual lives, it eventually became a ground-breaking book that “gives voice to a chorus of lusty, outrageous, poignant, and thoroughly human stories . . .”

Voice your opinion. Have you read books sexier than 50 Shades of Grey? Do you think good erotic fiction is graphic or  simply suggestive?

Storm Tips to Keep You Sane When Bad Weather Strikes

weather tipsHurricane Sandy has come and gone. As I write this, many of those along the path of Hurricane Sandy have already began to get back to the norm. We know about having extra batteries and a small stockpile of food, but here are a few other tips to keep you safe when nature attacks.

De-Clutter Your Surroundings

If you know a storm is on the way, take some time to clean your home. Why? When the lights go out there is less instances of injury if pathways are cleared of Legos, book bags, purses and other odds and ends that typically get strewn about in our daily lives.

Charge Your Devices

Keep cell phones and laptops charged. While your laptop’s WiFi may go down during a power outage, your cell phone’s network connection should be good to go. If you have a plan that includes tethering, your cell phone can act as a WiFi hotspot, allowing you to use your computer to communicate with friends and family.

It is equally important that your cell phone is charged in order to reach emergency services, should you need them.

Unplug Home Appliances

If you lose power, you should physically unplug all your home devices such as refrigerator, television, desktop computer, etc. Why? When electricity is restored, the sudden surge of electricity, could damage your appliance. You want to ease your appliances back into operation, one at a time.

If you appliances are on a surge protector, you need not unplug each one. Turning off just the surge protector will do the trick.

Stock Up on Kitty Litter

When bad weather strikes, we do not instantly become Neanderthals, reduced to prehistoric habits. However, I saw this tip on The Today Show this morning and felt the urge to share.

In case of a storm where plumbing systems go awry and indoor plumbing becomes troublesome, you will still need to do your business. Grab a bucket and some kitty litter to assist you with your bathroom needs. The kitty litter will trap smells and you can dispose of waste in a plastic bag, in an air tight trash receptacle until plumbing is restored.

When Mother Nature unleashes hell and fury, being prepared is the best way to avoid panicking and creating a worse situation.

Do you have any weird, outlandish storm safety tips that you follow? Feel free to share. We would love to hear!

The ‘Joby Gorillapod’- Photography’s greatest accessory!

“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever…”

Joby Gorillapod sweepstakes

Photography’s greatest accessory!

Knowing my passion (borderline obsession) for photography, a close friend of mine had promised me ‘the best camera accessory ever’ for my birthday. When the day finally arrived and she handed me a gift-wrapped tripod stand, I was a tad disappointed. I mean, I love taking photos of my family, friends and fantastic creations around me, but how often was I going to use a tall, complicated tripod stand to take portrait pictures!

I unwrapped my present and staring up at me was a cute and compact black and white tripod, kind of like a 3-legged zebra-spider! It had bendable legs, made up of a bunch of ‘ball-and-socket’ joints, for a perfect mount on any surface- be it an incline, staircase banister or even an uneven terrain like rocky sand! The Joby Gorillapod is strong, flexible and can stabilize quite heavy SLRs with zoom lenses too! It can attach to any sort of photo equipment ranging from minicams and camcorders to complicated professional cameras like my husband’s! Oh and it even works with existing tripod heads to give an added advantage.

This sturdy little tripod is lightweight, very easy to transport and quick to set-up in any scenario. Enabling me to take shots from tree branches and window grills, it has added a whole new angle to my photography skills. With its moldable shape, it’s quite easy to pack and fits into any little space left. Easy to attach with a push-button, it even has a rotating lock to make sure your camera doesn’t slide off in creative positions!!

If I was crazy about taking pictures before, I’m just wild about it now! And the best part is, with my amazing Gorillapod I get to be in all my pictures too! Hey ladies, with Christmas around the corner, this is the perfect prize for a precious family holiday!!

For more information on this wonder photographers little helper visit Target.com for more details.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Why I Still Don’t Vote. . . Sometimes

election votingThe piece I am going to share with you today, is actually an article I wrote 4 years ago. With the Presidential election a little over a week away, I am feeling a little embarrassed that I have given it so little bit of thought.  But the truth is, I could care less and I know that by admitting this publicly, I am opening myself up to ridicule and shame. However, I suspect I am not the only one who feels this way which is why I am publicly outing myself as a non-voting American.

I have resisted the urge to edit this article, even though 4 years later, some of my opinions have changed. So, please feel to call me out, ask me questions. I will try to respond to each and every one of you. Okay, here we go . . .

If you walk up to a stranger today and tell them that you chose not to vote in the primary elections being held across the Unites States today and the next few days, chances are you would get this response, “Well, if you don’t vote then you have no room to complain.” People may phrase the response differently, but the sentiment is the same.

Standing in line at a local department store this morning I heard one associate say this exact same thing to a co-worker and judging by how young the non-voter was – she probably believes this. She probably believes that choosing not to vote means choosing to be silent.

Well, I rarely vote. I abstain from the electoral process not because I am lazy or disinterested, but because I am frustrated. In addition, I admit to grumbling to friends and family often about how horrible our political situation is in this country.

So, why do I choose not to vote? The raw truth is that I find politics to be impersonal and true results unattainable. Funny, because everyday bills are introduced and discussed that are very personal to the American people. Issues such as healthcare, social security, national security and education are just some of the concerns that our government addresses on a daily basis. Why, you ask, do I feel that politics is so impersonal?

We can vote people into an office to basically fight for a belief that we have. But after we have cast our vote for that representative or that senator, the situation is out of our hands. The average person is not a lobbyist that can bombard Congress with money and promises. The only thing the average person has to offer is faith in those we vote for.

Politics is impersonal because although our benefits and our welfare rely on the government working for the people, we see our hopes shot down by Presidential vetoes and stone-walling in Congress.

The politicians that we held so much faith in become immersed in the deep-waters of party affiliation and partisan agendas that bolster political resumes, but do little for the people that these politicians claim to be serving.

In addition to the distant relationship the general American population has with politicians, there are also the cliques. Everyone has experienced cliques at some point in their lives. If you didn’t belong to one of these cliques then you floated around, peacefully perhaps, but not belonging at the same time.

Our government has these cliques, too. They are called the Democrats and the Republicans. If your ideals do not live up to the party standards then you become ostracized and unable to move amongst the partisan factions that decide our laws.

I hate being categorized. I hate feeling like I am a key that can only fit in one hole. Generally, I hold the categorized ideals of the Democrats. However, I will and have supported Republican candidates.

I look at situations individually. I look at candidates individually. I am confident that most of the American people do to. We just have a hard time executing that when we are told to vote based on our party affiliations such as in the primary elections when you pick a certain color ballot that is suppose to symbolize your truest intentions. While I do have a certain person that I want to win the Presidency, I would love the opportunity to pick a person from both parties whom I think would do a decent job as our president and make the race a little more interesting.

Now, that I have ranted and raved about why I detest voting, I have a confession. I am the proud owner of an I Voted sticker. I braved the torrential thunderstorms in Missouri today to cast my vote.

Why did I vote? For once, I believe we have some good candidates that will make our country whole, complete and bring about a change that many claim to be looking for. The candidates that are running, Republican and Democrats, are actually giving America something more diverse than in the past elections.

When I say diverse, I am not referring to gender or race. I am referring to personal styles when it comes to approaching issues. There are candidates that are more modern and progressive. There are candidates that are more traditional and firm. No matter what, they are offering something that people can embrace that cross the partisan lines that are so frequently drawn during political elections.

I voted today because today politics didn’t feel so impersonal. Today these candidates made me want to put my faith into a government system that many countries wish they could emulate in their own governments – Democracy, a government by the people.

No matter who wins the primaries and the nomination, no matter who wins the Presidency, this election will be the first time that I have been excited about being a part of our government. Voting is a right, but that doesn’t mean one should cast their vote lightly. People need to really believe in what they are voting for. Today I believed and confidently made my vote count.

Bic Pens for Women . . . Really?

Bic pens for womenDo you think sexism in popular consumerism is dead? Do you think we are evolving as a society where marketing companies are pulling away from the stereotypical roles between women and men? Recent advertising for brands like Yoplait’s Go-Gurt and Tide began to convince me that perhaps marketing companies are catching on to the diverse roles women and men play in the daily household. Both Yoplait and Tide have commercials airing that feature fathers as the main parent responsible for making lunches, doing laundry – responsibilities that have traditionally been advertised as the chores of women in households.

Girl power! Yes, I felt a bit of a victory when I first saw those commercials because in my household my husband makes our kids’ lunches, he does laundry and he actually cleans toilets. In fact, his cleaning skills are impeccable and make mine look sub-par. Here comes the big sigh . . . unfortunately, it appears that these small, progressive, cutting-edge steps that some companies are taking are the exception to sexist marketing.

Companies still insist on clothing our daughters in attire that sends horrible messages such as “I’m too pretty to do homework”. The gap between the sexes is evident in a multitude of products available from backpacks to lunch boxes to tool sets that are pink for women, but black and amped up for men. I mean, seriously, a drill is a drill. But, if you buy one of the tool sets for women, the drill is dainty and unable to compete with, dare I say it? Unable to compete with a man’s drill. Please excuse me while I gag.

So, let me get to the point of this article. Is sexism dead in popular consumerism? Not at all. Take a moment, to watch this video about Bic Pens for Women. Yes, apparently, we must use different pens, too. Here is the funny part to this story. Bic asked Ellen DeGeneres to promote their pens, which in a way she kind of did, but probably not in the way they intended.

Watch this video and let us know, does sexism in marketing bother you or do you just roll with it?

10 Outrageously Inappropriate Pumpkin Carvings

Come on. . . You know you want to look!

Halloween means pumpkin carving time. Trunk or treat, trick or treat or outrageous, over-the-top Halloween parties constantly challenge my husband to come up with unique, intricate pumpkin designs. Which is why, against my better judgement, I decided to Google pumpkin images last night. Holy hell! What I found made me blush, cover my eyes and wish I hadn’t been Googling while eating.

None of these pumpkins are going to make it to the final rounds in our household, but I had to take a moment to share them with you. Who knows? Maybe you are a little more adventurous or, let’s face it, just a little off your rocker to be completely on board with these ideas.

1. Pumpkins Wear Thongs, Too
Pumpkin designs

Photo courtesy of andeelayne.blogspot.com

2. It’s a Full Pumpkin Moon!
dirty ideas for pumpkin carvings

Photo courtesy of http://socsecnews.blogspot.com

3. This Drunk Pumpkin Can’t Hold His Liquor
clever pumpkin carving ideas

Photo Courtesy of community.charter.com

4. He’s An Angry Pumpkin.

cool pumpkin design ideas

5.  Why Does Halloween Bring Out the Rage?

artsy pumpkin designs

 6. Slow Night in Labor and Delivery

pumpkin carving ideas

 7. Brains Anyone?
cook pumpkin design ideas

Photo Courtesy of blue-kitchen.com

8.  This Makes You Rethink Pumpkin Pie.

crude pumpkin carvings

9.  Is this Considered Cannibalism?
best designed pumpkin carvings

Photo Courtesy of democraticunderground.com

10. Stay Classy

sexy pumpkin carving designs

Ladies Choice

Product Features
Natural balance ladies choice
Supports women’s health
Maintains healthy estrogen
Reduces hot flashes
Reduces night sweats

Many women who are in the middle of menopause symptoms yearn for relief, but are fearful that the only relief they can find is in the form of synthetic hormones. Thankfully, there are a multitude of all-natural products on the market that can reduce or even eliminate menopause symptoms.

My friend, Gayle, has been using  Ladies Choice for the past three years and raves about the results she has seen. In addition to less intense hot flashes, her mood swings have leveled out. She feels calm, cool and in control of her body again.

If you want to learn more about Ladies choice or read other users’ comments, visit

Promensil Post-Menopause

Product Features
Bone and heart help
Red Clover Isoflavones with Calcium, Vitamin D
Clinically tested & doctor recommended
Relieves night sweats & hot flashes
Free of yeast, wheat, milk, egg

Life does not end after menopause. In fact, the years following menopause can be full of opportunity and vitality if you take action now to preserve your post-menopausal health. Promensil Post-Menopause supplemental tablets are one way to ensure your post-menopausal years are eventful and healthy.

Why am I telling you about Promensil? That is easy. Promensil is an unique combination of Red Clover Isoflavones with added Calcium and Vitamin D. These natural supplements help keep your bones strong to ward off osteoporosis. In addition, Red Clover has been known to reduce night sweats which makes this a great product for women in the middle of transitioning from pre to post menopause.

To learn more about how Promensil above.

Enzymatic Therapy Woman’s Choice AM/PM Menopause

Product Features
24-hour relief
Relieves hot flashes
Relieves night sweats
Restores energy
Helps with irritability and mood swings

I cannot speak for every menopausal woman because we all experience menopause differently. However, for me, my mood swings were, at times, unbearable. Amberen worked for me, helping me find stability, but not all supplements work for all women.

A former co-worker of mine felt her irritability was causing  cracks in her relationships. She had a difficult time managing her moods throughout the day. She tried Enzymatic Therapy Woman’s Choice AM/PM Menopause and had stellar results. The AM/PM formula helped her manage her moods during the day, while reducing her hot flashes at night.  She says her relationships have been revived and her electric bill has dramatically been reduced.

Want to know more about this product and if it could help you? Visit

Enzymatic Therapy Remifemin

Product Features
Proven standardized black cohosh extract
Single ingredient formula
Relieves hot flashes, mood swings
Manufactured under drug standards
Safe for women with a history of breast cancer

Are you looking for an estrogen-free, single ingredient menopause relief supplement? Remifemin may be your answer. Several readers have emailed me to let me in on their little secret. They tried Amberen, but found that the simplicity of the Remifemin formula might appeal to more women.

After doing my own research, I discovered the Remifemin is manufactured under drug standards and, as an estrogen-free product, can safely be used by women who have had a history of breast cancer.  For women who have been touched by breast cancer or have a history of familial breast cancer, this product may be worth investigating further.

More info above on other users’ thoughts and comments regarding Remifemin.