Stupid Quotes From Politicians Regarding Women’s Rights

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Dumb, dumb and dumber. No, I am not talking about the Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels comedy that made us laugh and struggle to hold in our pee. I am talking about the political nonsense that dribbles from the mouths of ignorant politicians when they try to defend their right to control another person’s body. Some would call that rape, but in politics it is called “protecting America’s morals.” So, in light of the upcoming political election, let me share with you some of the dumbest quotes politicians have ever uttered.

Birth Control Causes Prostrate Cancer?

“As a man, would it interest you to know that Dr. Brownstein just published an article that links the pill to prostate cancer?” state Rep. Jeanine Notter (R)

Did You Know the Pill Causes Breast Cancer?

“It is scientifically undisputed that full-term pregnancy reduces a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer. It is also undisputed that the earlier a woman has a first full-term pregnancy, the lower her risk of breast cancer becomes, because following a full-term pregnancy the breast tissue exposed to estrogen through the menstrual cycle is more mature and cancer resistant.” – New Hampshire Bill that requires doctors to tell women seeking abortions that the procedure can cause breast cancer.

The American Cancer Society, as well as other major health organizations like WHO (World Health Organization) dispute this so-called “scientific” fact.

Rape Is a Woman’s Issue, Unless She is Married.

“I would hope that when a woman goes in to a physician with a rape issue, that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage or was it truly caused by a rape. I assume that’s part of the counseling that goes on.” Idaho state Sen. Chuck Winder (R).

Arizone Lawmakers Prefer to Keep Women in the Dark

A bill, sponsored by Sen. Nancy Barto, protects doctors from wrongful death lawsuits by allowing them to withhold information that may be a factor in a woman choosing to terminate her pregnancy  When asked why she sponsored this bill her answer was that she sponsored the law because “she did not want claimants to blame a doctor for a baby born with disabilities. Under the provisions of her bill, a doctor could not be sued for medical malpractice if the doctor withholds information from a mother about a child’s potential health issues that could influence her decision to have an abortion. In addition, a lawsuit could not be filed on the child’s behalf regarding a disability.”

Way to look out for the patient’s best interest.

Planned Parenthood Aims to Create Subservient Men?

“These Planned Parenthood women, the Code Pink women, and all of these women have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness…We are not going to have our men become subservient.” —Rep. Allen West

Equal rights does not equal subservient men. Someone must have penis issues.

Conception, No Matter If Consensual or Not, Should Be Protected At All Cost.

“The method of conception doesn’t change the idea of life.” – Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan

Todd Akin Isn’t The Only MisInformed Politician

“The facts show that people who are raped —who are truly raped—the juices don’t flow, the body functions don’t work and they don’t get pregnant. Medical authorities agree that this is a rarity, if ever.” – Former North Carolina Rep. Henry Aldridge

Where did these men learn sex education? Clearly from poorly written romance novels.

Did we miss some outrageous quotes? Leave a comment and let us know!


About Denise McGrail

I am thrilled and blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of The General Gazette. Like so many women, I put off my dreams of being a professional, published writer for longer than intended in order to meet the more practical needs of my family. However, after much soul-searching, I realized I was doing a disservice to them and me by not following my dreams and my passions.

Why am I excited to be part of The General Gazette? Well, I am a woman who seems to flit and flutter from one thought to the next and I have a million ideas I am always eager to share. The General Gazette is a website intended for women of all ages, all incomes and all lifestyles. We don't limit our audience and, therefore, I will not limit the information I share with you.

Each day I will keep you guessing with fresh, thought-provoking articles! Happy reading!