Strengthening the Coopers Ligament: How to Naturally Lift Your Breasts

breasts exercisesA variety of factors cause the breasts to go a little south as the years pass and this can be something that negatively impacts a woman’s confidence. Having children, losing weight and getting older all play a role in whether the breasts stay youthful. The good news is that there are some exercises you can do to help bring them back up a bit. These exercises will not give you a miracle, but they can help to lift your breasts a little and restore some of that confidence.

What is the Cooper’s Ligament?

These are ligaments that attach from supporting structures in the chest to right under the skin of the breasts. These are responsible for keeping the breasts firm and up where they should be. Over time, these can weaken and when they weaken we notice that the breasts start to sag. There are some exercises that can slow down how lax these ligaments become so that you can maintain firm and lifted breasts for as long as possible. Many also state that doing certain exercises regularly has helped to lift their breasts a bit. The exercises should be done at least three times per week. It is important to have a rest day in between each strength training session.

Do Some Pushups

What is nice about pushups is that you can do them in a variety of ways so that regardless of your fitness level you can do them. If you are unable to do a regular pushup do them on your knees or even against a wall. Start by doing 10 repetitions. If this is easy for you then do two sets for a total of 20 pushups. Add two repetitions every other day until you can do three sets of 15 repetitions each with 30 seconds of rest in between each set.

Pec Flys

For this you will need two dumbbells at a weight that you can handle. Many people start off with two to five pound dumbbells. If you do not have any dumbbells on hand then grab some soup cans for the time being. Lie on the floor on your back and bend your knees. Basically, you want to be in the position you are in when you do situps or crunches. Then, put a dumbbell or soup can in each hand. Bring these straight up over your chest until they are touching. Start with doing one set of 10. Then, work your way up to three sets of 15 repetitions each. The key is to start slow and work your way up so that you are gradually building lean muscle and helping the Cooper’s ligaments.

Chest Presses

This is basically like a bench press without the bench. If you do have a bench or an exercise ball, use these to lie on because they allow a better workout. Now, lie on the floor like you do with the pec flys. The difference here is that you will hold a dumbbell in each hand and bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are facing the ceiling. You will then push up until your elbows are almost locked, but do not lock them. Then, bring them back down and repeat. Start out with 10 of these and then work your way up to three sets of 15.