Three Things You Must Know About Your Breasts, but Don’t

breast issues with womenYour breasts are something that you look at every day. You also know that you have to take care of them in order to maintain optimal health for both your breasts and your body as a whole. However, there are some things that many women are unaware of when it comes to their breasts. Not knowing these things could have a negative consequence on your health. It is critical to understand your breasts and to know everything that you can to prevent breast cancer and other issues.

Your Breasts are Vulnerable

The other parts of your body can withstand small hormonal changes, but your breasts are hypersensitive to these changes. You are around toxic chemicals daily and these can trigger small hormonal changes that can negatively affect your breasts. There are ways to limit your exposure, however. Estrogen-mimicking chemicals can be found in personal care product containers and certain food packaging. Stick with frozen or fresh foods and avoid canned products. Also, avoid personal care product that contain parfum or fragrance.

Breasts are Getting Bigger than they Ever Have in History

It is not unusual to see breast cup sizes as large as H and KK. This is without plastic surgery interventions. Girls are also starting to develop younger than ever, with some girls as young as nine years old developing. Chemical exposure is thought to be the cause of these issues. Early development and naturally very large breasts are also linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

Benzene and Breast Cancer

Benzene is a chemical that you can be exposed to every day. It is a widely used chemical and it is created mostly by human activities. It is naturally in gasoline, crude oil and cigarette smoke. It can also get into the environment due to forest fires. The main way it gets into your body is through inhalation. The skin can also absorb it with direct contact.

There is evidence of this chemical having cancer-causing potential. The most evidence is associated with this chemical and acute myeloid leukemia. Whether this causes breast cancer directly is still being studied, but there are links that scientists are further testing. It is important to be aware of benzene and its potentially harmful effects. Experts do agree that this chemical has cancer-causing potential and since the breasts are vulnerable, you should be aware of this chemical. Not smoking and avoiding second-hand smoke are two of the best ways to limit benzene exposure.

Caring for Your Breasts

You want to perform your breast self-exams at least once a month. If you feel anything abnormal, call you doctor right away. When breast cancer is caught early your chances of recovery are generally quite high. When you are doing your self-exam, don’t just feel for lumps, but visually inspect your breasts as well. You want to look for things like changes in the nipples or overall breast color, nipple discharge, dimpling or anything else that would be abnormal.

It is also important to talk to your doctor about breast health. Make sure that your doctor knows your family history, as well as your personal history when it comes to medical issues. Your doctor will also let you know when you need to start having mammograms and how often you will need to have one.