Death by Fashion- 5 worst health Mistakes in the name of Fashion

Well not quite literally, but some of our choices in the name of fashion can end up having serious implications on our health. Here’s taking a look at top 5 fashion mistakes most of us make:

Heel it up!

5 inch stilettosHeels! There’s something about 5 inch stilettos and pumps that can make any girl fall in love. Yeah, they are gorgeous alright, but studies have revealed that trotting around in high heels can cause long-term damages.

Our body has not been biologically structured to wear heels, ever noticed how when you wear them your feet are not flat but has a ridiculous arch? That is what can lead to persistent feet ache and in the long run- arthritis, hip and back pain, and in some cases even neck and shoulder injury. This is not even taking into account the increased chances of falling prey to accidents while you are wearing heels.

Skin Hugging Clothes

Tight clothes can cause skin irritationEveryone loves skinny jeans, they make us look oh so..skinny? Even though not many of us are ready to confess it out aloud, wearing skinny jeans does make us a bit uncomfortable. There’s this strange feeling in your thighs and calves and it is not just skin irritation.

Skin hugging clothes hinder your body’s ability to breathe and if you wear them for a prolonged period of time, chances are that your skin looks a bit bruised at places. Super tight clothes, can both cut out the supply of oxygen and cause skin irritation, which could lead to numerous skin diseases. Also, a lot of women sleep with their bra on and some are even under-wired, this could lead to skin cancer as the bra affects the flow of blood in the body, which in turn causes cysts and lumps that can become cancerous.

Tie the Tie

Ties can cause harm to your healthThis one is especially for the men. Recently, ties has come back in vogue as you can even team them up with casuals. However, remember that wearing a very tight tie can of course kill you (duh!) but when you shove the knot up right up your larynx, it cuts out the supply of blood to the brain and could also cause serious neck and shoulder injuries.

Hitting the Sack with Makeup On

Going to bed with makeup on clogs poresThere’s nothing more inviting than your bed after a hard day’s work and this is why a lot of women just go right off to sleep with their makeup on. Stale makeup clogs up pores and cause infection triggering breakouts, acne and skin rash. It also robs your skin of the chance to repair itself at night and which will make you look much older.

A heavy Shoulder Bag

Shoulder bags can cause health issuesAdmit it; all of us carry the world inside our handbags. From spare clothes, makeup, snacks, energy drinks, wallets and just about everything else, we might have everything at our disposition but carrying a heavy shoulder or hand bag can cause serious damages.
Your handbag should, at best weigh up to 10% of your entire body weight. So, if you weigh 130 pounds, carry a bag that does not weigh more than 13 pounds.