Bed Bugs: 7 Things You May Have Not Known

1) Bed bugs have been on earth for centuries.

2) Just after World War 2 bed bugs were almost wiped out from most nations around the world with the use of a chemical known as DDT but was soon banned because it was so hard on our environment.

3) Bed bugs are very small and are very hard to see. They are only about half the size of an apple or lemon seed. They can be spotted by the naked eye with close observation and a flashlight.

4) Bed bugs have a oval, flat shape to them and are reddish brown in color.

5) It is widely believed that they are more of a problem today due to them spreading across the world because of, all other things, international travel.

6) You wont find them during the day. They hide out in the box spring portion of your bed and crevices of you bed frame.

Last but not least:

7) Bed bugs are hard to kill and can be costly to do just that. In most all instance professional help is needed.

Bed Bugs

Since the bedbug problem has been growing more here in the states many companies are trying to combat the issue with different types of products. One company that is fairly new has come out with the bed bug patch and it seems from reviews that the product is successful in fighting bed bugs.