How To Kill Bed Bugs – A New Method

Have you been listening to the radio over the past several months lately? If you have you surely heard all the new commercials coming out of local bug exterminators offering a “steam” procedure to kill bed bugs in your home, particularly in your bed. From what I gather from these commercials they remove all the living items out of the effected area including fish tanks, plants, small animals..ete. Then they steam the entire room to a temperature of around 130 degrees. These companies are saying this is the best method possible on how to kill bed bugs.

Killing Bed Bugs – A Different Method

By going with this method you really are not killing bed bugs BUT preventing them from ever getting on you in the first place. The bed bug patch is fairly new to consumers. The way it works is that you apply a patch to your skin when you go to bed at night and it works by reducing and offsetting the levels of CO2 emitted out through your skin. It puts to use vitamin B1 to mask the bedbug attracting scent which resonates outward through your skin. Many bed bug patch reviews are showing very good results with it’s users.

Other Methods On How To Kill Bed Bugs

One of the simplest ways (well maybe) is to vacuum the bed bugs up. You need to keep up on this weekly for it to have any effect at all. Be sure you make use of all you crevice tools to get all areas of your mattress and all surfaces of your actual bed frame. Just be sure to remove the bag and empty out far from your house. Or better yet purchase some flea powder that has the ingredient “Pyrethrum” in it. Pour some out and vacuum the powder up to kill the bed bugs inside the bag.

Killing Bed Bugs – Long Term

Purchase a mattress cover or for better terms an “encasement” cover. Much different than an actual mattress pad because these will cover the entire mattress and box springs. Killing bedbugs this way will however take longer cause those little critters can live a long time without your blood. What you are really doing to kill the bed bugs with this procedure is your smothering them by not letting them out to bite on you. I know, it’s not a pretty thought.

Best Way To Kill Bed Bugs

Probably the best way to kill bed bugs is to hire a professional. Which really brings us back to the steam method as mentioned in the beginning. But these professionals do have other ways of ridding bed bugs before they get you with chemicals. As you can see, all the methods we have given here on how to kill bedbugs, none of them is very fun to do.