Bed Bug Beacon Reviews – Boy Was We Surprise

Bed bug picturesAfter having great success with the Bed Bug Patch me and the wife decided on getting to the heart of the matter and finding out just where the bedbugs are hiding out and just how many we have. Our neighbor down the street who is, by the way a licensed exterminator told us about the bedbug beacon because he has had great success with the product.

He told us that apartment managers will call him wanting to know if an apartment that the tenants just moved out of has bed bugs. His secret tool is the bedbug beacon. It’s name is perfect. This little contraption beacons the bed bugs right out of the walls!

Our Review Of The Bedbug Beacon Amazed Us

We set the simple contraption up and came back into our bedroom several hours later to review and couldnt believe what we found when we lifted the lid. Five bed bugs underneath. So the bed bug beacon confirmed what we needed to know. We had the little critters.

We have to be clear here. The beacon does not kill the bed bugs or chase them out of your home. It’s simply a wonderful easy tool to determine if you have them. It’s definitely the tool to have if you want peace of mind knowing if your bedroom, and more importantly your children’s room has bedbugs.

The Bed Bug Beacon Gives You Answers

If you use the beacon after about 5 days and show no signs of the are pretty safe to say you dont have them…What a relief! But if you do see them, isn’t it good to know you have an issue with them and that you can take action now in getting rid of them. The bed bug beacon is a great product!

Visit their official site.