Acupuncture for Menopause Relief

Sticking it to Menopause Symptoms

using acupuncture to treat menopauseWomen suffering extreme menopausal symptoms often feel overwhelmed by debilitating hormonal changes that cause insufferable hot flashes and King Kong like mood-swings. As overwhelmed by these symptoms as women are, they are also underwhelmed by the availability of safe, reliable medical therapies.

Western medicine is notorious for prescribing little blue and white pills for every ailment. Feel sad, pop a pill. Feel too happy, pop a pill. Are you mellow and calm? Something is wrong with you. Pop a pill. For women dealing with daily menopause symptoms a quick trip East to the orient or just down the street to the local acupuncturist’ office may be the relief that you have been looking for that does not come in a bottle.

This ancient Chinese tradition has been endorsed by the World Health Organization and studies have shown that acupuncture can ease the symptoms of many chronic conditions including urinary and reproductive disorders such as; menstrual cramps, irregular and heavy periods, infertility and menopause symptoms.

Are you still unsure about being poked and prodded like a misused Voodoo doll? The science and mystery behind the success in acupuncture procedures lies in the attempt to balance a body’s energy or Qi (life energy). By stimulating the musculoskeletal system at certain “points,” or meridians using the fine point of a thin needle, the hormones triggered during the procedure at these points noticeably rise when evaluated with MRI and PET scans. The levels of the predominant hormone estradiol were slightly elevated after an acupuncture session. Normally, this hormone is low in women experiencing menopausal symptoms which are why women can feel naturally unbalanced.

In addition to balancing out a woman’s estradiol levels, acupuncture has also been said to help endorphin levels surge to pre-menopausal levels. Endorphins are key players in balancing mood and temperature level.

Today’s menopausal woman does not experience menopause the same way their mothers or grandmothers did. Many women going through menopause are still leading active lives with young families. They don’t have time or patience for outdated therapies designed to help women from twenty years ago. While everyone may have a different opinion on the legitimacy and actual relief one can experience from acupuncture therapy, it is true that today’s woman needs options to continue to live a life uninterrupted from menopausal symptoms.

The bridge between Western and Eastern medical practices are connecting women from various ways of life and providing real-life examples of how diverse therapies like acupuncture may be beneficial to women as they move forward leaving menopausal symptoms in the past.