Nude is in!

I can’t believe I did not write about this earlier as I’m such a huge fan of the color nude this year. Anyway, so somehow this color, be it nude makeup, shoes or bags (nude colored clothes wouldn’t be such a great idea, unless of course you’re Snooki) is perfect for every season and every look.

Get the basics right

The first consideration is to get your own perfect shade of ‘nude’. Especially, if you are thinking makeup, the perfect nude colored lipstick, eye shadow and blush would differ according to your skin tone. So, if you are very fair with a hint of pink, a light baby pink color is ideally your shade of nude.

For those with a medium brown to camel colored skin tone, beige colors are more likely to be your perfect nude shade. The trick while searching for a perfect nude shade is to go for the one that looks absolutely natural on you.

Nude Makeup

Pics of people wearing nude makeup

Nude lipsticks can be your everyday look or you can also team them up with dramatic eyes for an evening look. While hunting for a nude lipstick, apply the shade closest to your lip color on the middle part of the lips. If after application, the middle part completely blends in with the rest of your natural lip color, congratulations you have found your perfect shade of nude lipstick.

Same goes for eye shadow and for blushers, pink provides a natural tinted look on fair to medium fair skin tones, while peach gives a more natural look on a tanned face.

Nude Shoes

images of nude shoes on stars

Aren’t these babies downright gorgeous! The versatility of the nude color is such that you can easily wear them with every other color . They also make your legs look longer and give a nice feminine touch. You can go for a plain nude like the one in the picture or opt for pints or sequences embedded on the shoe.
Team it up with your work clothes, a girly frock or a cocktail dress, these are perfect and right for just any look.

Nude Bags

nude purses

Image courtesy

I rarely come across anyone who steps out without a nice big bag, except of course your pockets are deeps enough to store a myriad of essentials ranging from makeup, snacks and even pepper spray. Anyway, sadly not a lot of women try to pay as much attention to a bag as they do to clothes and shoes.

Bags too can add to your overall style quotient and if you manage to get that one perfect bag that screams style and is spacious, go for it! When it comes to nude bags, you can buy one of these with your eyes closed, no don’t shop with your eyes closed, just that you can trust on these to add a touch of class.

You can wear this with casual and formal clothes, just bear in mind that you do not over obsess over the color. I mean dressing up in nude shoes, belts, carrying a nude bag and wearing nude makeup could be just a bit too much of nude.

About Mawra

My name is Mawra, a 23 year old who’s crazy about everything that spells either fashion or makeup! A journalist by profession and a Fashionista by passion, I have written over 2000 articles for popular magazines, celebrity hairstylists, makeup artists and fashion designers, I’m excited about being a part of The Gazette with news on Fashion hits and misses, celebrity scoop and offering tons of beauty tips I have up my sleeves.