Bed Bath & Beyond $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Listen up women!

We are again giving away another gift card! This time it’s for that little store we all love…

Bed Bath And Beyond

Who doesn’t love strolling thru the isles of this wonderful store checking out all those awesome cooking items, housewares and decor. It would be even nicer knowing you had a $100 gift card tucked inside your purse now wouldn’t it?!!

The General Gazette For Women!

Bed Bath & Beyond Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. LaDina Perrault says:

    I would love to win this, I love Bed, Bath & Beyond!!!

  2. Stephanie Phelps says:

    I think it would be no different than if you bought for a 20 yr old but I would say wedding albums for those precious pictures

  3. dan williams says:

    twitted this today, 22/9

  4. Marsha Arditti says:

    I would love to win this

  5. Barbara Montag says:

    Retweeted the story @JalapenoMama

  6. Barbara Montag says:

    Follow you on Pinterest – jalapenomama

  7. Sandra Beeman says:

    I just love the “beyond”!

  8. I like shopping here……..Make my day, Please

  9. I think it’s important to have your wedding be recorded and take a lot of photos for your own wedding photo album. Also to look and feel your prettiest, don’t sell yourself short. Choose a hair style, dress, and shoes that will make you feel young and glowing.

  10. Heather Zeh says:

    Bed Bath & Beyond is the perfect gift for women of any age!

  11. LOIS PAYTON says:


  12. Tamera Deem says:

    I would love to win this! This is my favorite store!

  13. I could find plenty of home decor at Bed Bath and Beyond for our new house!

  14. Just bought new house! Need gift card!

  15. dan williams says:

    twitted this today, 23/9

  16. would love to win this.. my bathroom needs some updating :)

  17. dan williams says:

    twitted this today, 24/9

  18. I would say that women over 50 would very much appreciate a gift card so they could decide what to get.

  19. crystal lane says:

    I doubt I will ever get married.

  20. Natalie Lamb says:

    This would be a dream to win this!!!

  21. This is one of my favorite stores.

  22. Tammy Allgood-Hemmerling says:

    I so need this gc! I love love love the “beyond” part of this store! LOL

  23. love to win. thanks!

  24. amber magee says:

    Would Love to win this g.c- baby on the way and need more towels!
    P.S. Love your blog ;)

  25. Michele Baron says:

    My bathroom could use some sprucing up…Thank you for this contest.